Mattepaint / Art Textures
Long-métrage Animation :
Long-métrage Animation :
- Despicable Me 2 (Court Metrage - Lead Mattepaint)
- Despicable Me 2 (Mattepaint)
- Dr Seuss The Lorax (Court Metrage - Mattepaint)
- Dr Seuss The Lorax (Mattepaint)
- Despicable Me (Mattepaint)
Other :
- Gus "Petit Oiseau Grand Voyage" (Mattepaint)
- Chasseurs de Dragons (Textures)
Long-métrage Live :
- Largo Winch 2 (Textures - Mattepaint)
- Lucky Luke (Mattepaint)
- Splice (Textures)
- Astérix aux jeux Olympiques (Mattepaint)
- Ne le dis à Personne (Mattepaint)
Court métrage :
- Aigues Mortes (Court Metrage - Mattepaint)
Court métrage :
- Aigues Mortes (Court Metrage - Mattepaint)
- Terra Botanica (Court Metrage - Textures / Mattepaint)
Séries :
- Minuscule Saison 1 (Textures / Mattepaint)
- Minuscule Saison 2 (Graphic Design)
Publicité :
- PMU (Mattepaint)
- ARMANI (Mattepaint)
- VICTOR&ROLF (Mattepaint)
- TALKTALK (Mattepaint)
- ERDF (Mattepaint)
- EUROSTAR (Mattepaint)
- FEU VERT (Mattepaint)
- CARTE NOIRE (Mattepaint)
- ARMANI (Mattepaint)
- VICTOR&ROLF (Mattepaint)
- TALKTALK (Mattepaint)
- ERDF (Mattepaint)
- EUROSTAR (Mattepaint)
- FEU VERT (Mattepaint)
- CARTE NOIRE (Mattepaint)
- DANONE (Textures)
- RENAULT Institutionnel (Textures / Mattepaint)
- GLENMORANGIE (Mattepaint)
- ADEM (Textures)
- LA VACHE QUI RIT (Textures / Mattepaint)
- LES LAPINS CRETINS "Renault Grand Scenic" (Mattepaint)
- LES LAPINS CRETINS "Rabbit Go Home" (Textures / Mattepaint)
- MAC DONALD (Mattepaint)
- GLENMORANGIE (Mattepaint)
- ADEM (Textures)
- LA VACHE QUI RIT (Textures / Mattepaint)
- LES LAPINS CRETINS "Renault Grand Scenic" (Mattepaint)
- LES LAPINS CRETINS "Rabbit Go Home" (Textures / Mattepaint)
- MAC DONALD (Mattepaint)
- CIF (Mattepaint)
SHORT MOVIE - WAGON HO - Clic here for see movie |
SHORT MOVIE - SERENADE - Clic here for see movie